Wednesday, November 27, 2013

End of Season Celebrations

With my last race a month behind me, I have been thoroughly enjoying the off season. I jog when I want to jog. I hike when I want to hike. (Frankly, that isn't too different from my on-season, but I don't have any big runs in between.) Part of the end of the season for the last two years has been the awards ceremony for the Idaho Trail Ultra Series. This series and all the races involved hold a special place in my heart. When I started ultrarunning in October 2011, I made some lofty goals that I was somehow able to pull off in 2012 by completing all 6 races in the series, plus an additional 6 ultras that were elsewhere.

What a fantastic group! (Photo Credit: Tempus Photo Design)
King and Queens of the Mountain! (Photo Credit: Tempus)

I was able to get back out to most of the ITUS races again this year, so I managed to rack up enough points to put myself in the second slot of the Dirty Dozen again. It was another fantastic year with some tough trail miles, beautiful views, and amazing company. A huge reason this party is so enjoyable is the fact that I am able to see all the friends with whom I have shared the trail over the last year. It makes me incredibly appreciative of the running community that I have here in Boise.

Huge thanks is always due to the organizers of the series and of the individual races. Runners, always remember the hard work that goes on behind the scenes and be sure to give your RDs some love!

Reflecting back upon the past few years, I think that the big takeaway is persistence. I always express to people that I am not an extraordinary runner by any means, I am just stubborn. I sign up for races, and do my best to kick my butt to the end of it. Fast or slow, I usually get there, and I enjoy the journey.

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