I made the last-minute decision this week to do the YMCA Christmas Run. Last night, it dumped snow in Boise, so it made for some interesting conditions on the roads today. (And here, "dumped snow" means that we got a few inches.) Because snow that sticks is such an infrequent occurrence, the city does not really have any resources for plowing, and the sanding of the roads is VERY light- not enough to cut the snow. You know that feeling when you are running on the beach and the sand slips a little from under your feet every time you take a step? Now imagine that happening when it is twenty degrees and you are going uphill. Oof.

Fortunately, I am not one to get grumpy about these things. I was hoping to do a 8-8:15 pace and wound up finishing the six mile course in 51:23- an 8:34 pace. I was stoked to have been so close to my target considering the way the roads were. I am not normally one to set time goals, but as I am trying to get myself a bit faster over the next year, I am trying to push myself a bit more for speed. Today's run was a good experiment and helped me to see what kind of speed work I need to be doing.

I met up with some folks that were with the Girls on the Run group. We were pretty sparse today; I think that the snow kept more people home than usual! As always, it's great to see the girls out doing runs when the season is over.

I saw a bunch of other local running friends, mostly in passing before and after the race. I am always amazed by how many people I recognize, even in these 2000+ people events.
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