Friday, November 29, 2013

Tofurkey Trot

I did NOT go up the huge hill on 5-

Thanksgiving is my all-time favorite holiday. I don't really know why, but it probably has something to do with all the food. I cooked my vegan Thanksgiving food on Tuesday and have been thoroughly enjoying it all week.

I was going to head out to one of the local Thanksgiving Day races yesterday, but I couldn't think of anything I would rather do than be on the trails for the morning, especially since I am pup-sitting for my friend. Having three dogs around is a lot easier if they have all had a nice run! I headed up Rocky Canyon Road to do the Watchman Trail loop, which is about six miles. It was chilly in the shade, but as the sun popped around from the other side of the hill, the temperatures were perfect, and I had a perfect run on the trails with the dogs.
The water has finally made its way back into the creeks, and we crossed water about four times. The dogs all have completely different approaches to the water. Rosie flops down in anything wet she can find. Jake doesn't care about the water so much, but he will play if Rosie is enticing him. Gracie, who looks like she should love the water, is a princess and tries to avoid getting wet at all costs. (For which I am very thankful, since she is the one that is attached to me on the waist leash.) Goofy animals!
Photo Credit: The sagebrush that served as a camera stand.

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